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SurName Foreign Town Country Reference Notes
Dziengiel Poland
DZIEWIT Poland Adam Dziewit married Frances Czekajski
Dzik Poland
Dzik Magnisew Poland
Dzik Bucow, Drawsko Poland Anna Styczykowska Dzik 1869-1959
Dzikowski Poland Emmigrated after 1900
Dzimitrowicz Marcinkiskes Poland
Dziob Poland Officer Polish Army in France 1918
Dziob Austria
Dziubak Radocyna, Dlugie Poland Greek Catholic
dziuban Peter Dziuban born in Pa. 1916 polish lithunian I
Dziuda Elbl¹g Poland
Dziumbyla Dlugi Galicia/ Poland Greek Catholic
dziura jaworzyna poland im looking for my dad wladyslaw bukowski
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