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SurName Foreign Town Country Reference Notes
Dziuszko Kurylowicze Belarus
Dzuibek Krakow Poland Looking for ANY info on Dzuibek origin.
Dzwigaj Wierzba Poland Namyslowski Orchestra
Efta Poland Info on Efta and Hefta's heritage Grandaughter
Ehrlich Poznan Poland Possibly Russia
Eichler Poznan Poland Could also have been Russia
Eichstedt Witkowo Prussia Also, Eichsteadt, Eichstaedt, EichstŠdt, Eichstadt
Eisenman Lublin Poland Aisenman ( or other spellings)
Ejkszto Trakai Lithuania I would like to know the origin of this name.
Eljasz Kutno Poland
Endyke Poland Frank, Sophie, Anna, Adam,Edward,Blanche,John
Engel Aleksandrow-Lodzki Poland
Ente Prysmysl Poland Austria/Poland
Erdmann Selgenau Pozen Other surnames: Robacek, Masgal, and Emanuel
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