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SurName Foreign Town Country Reference Notes
Ert/Erd/Erdt Zoldow Poland Lived in Galicia
Ewald married Przytulski
Ewanecki Wilno Poland
Ewanko Pelnatycze Poland This surname also spelled Evanko
ewicz Poland
ezell i have simply heard that i have some polish roots
Fabianski Niteroi - Rio de Janeiro Brazil
fabion poland
Fabisak Wenglew, Golina, Konin Poland Stanislaw(1869-1942)and wife,Adamina(1871-1935)
Fabisak Wenglew, Golina, Konin Poland Stanislaw(1869-1942)Adamina(1871-1935)
Fabisak Wenglew Poland Stanislaw(1869-1942)Adamina(1871-1935)
Fabisak Wenglew Poland
Fabiszak Kawnice Poland Konin
Fabryka Robotcyze Poland
Facht Poland Married Susan Power(s)
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