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SurName Foreign Town Country Reference Notes
Fuks Poland
Fulga poland
Furdak Pielna Poland also in Elizabeth Port NJ
Furgal Postolowka ( Postolivka) Poland-Austria Postolowka near Horodnica, Husiatyn, Kopyczynce
Furgal ? ? Grew up in Winnipeg, MB, Canada
Furlepa Szczebrzeszyn Poland Rare name
Furman Lipnica/Raniszow Poland
Fus Poland Spelling variation: Fuss
Fusiak Smerkowice Poland
fuskut trembowla poland Austria-Hungery Empire
Fuss Zotynia Poland
Fycner Katy (Czerwona Wies) Poland
Gabinski Josephine married Jacob Mickiewicz
Gabis Poland
Gabis Poland
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