Military Biblio

Research Military Biblio


A Select Bibliography and List of Sources of Polish Military History for Use in Researching Polish Genealogy

Prepared by Richard Jasinski
Polish Military History Society of America
Chicago, Illinois

General Sources


Daskiewicz, Gasiorski, Polski Bibliografi Wojskowoj Polski Slownik Biografiszny.
T. I­VII. Wyd. Krakow 1935­1958.
T. VIII­XVI. Wyd. Krakow 1959­1971.


Mala Encyclopedia Wojskowa
T. I­VII Warszawa 1930­1939.
T. I­III Warszawa 1967,1970,1971


Dupuy and Dupuy, The Encyclopedia of Military History from 3500 B.C. to the Present. 2nd Ed. New York, 1986.

Chandler, David. Dictionary of the Napoleonic Wars New York, 1979.


Ksiega Chwaly Piechoty. (Book of Glory of Infantry), Warszawa 1937­1939. (List of infantry officers and enlisted men awarded Virtuti Militari and those killed. Basically World War I lists.) Basic infantry reference.


Ksiega Jazdy Polskiej, (Book of Polish Cavalry), Warszawa, 1938. (Lists of cavalry and horse artillery officers and enlisted men killed i.e. World War I as well as lists of cavalry and horse artillery officers and enlisted men awarded Virtuti Militari.) Basic cavalry reference.


World War II


Moszynski, Adam, Lista Katynska Jency Obozow Kozielsk, Ostaszkow, Starobielsk, Londyn, 1977. (Lists of Polish officers killed by Russians, 1939­1940.)


Wankowicz, Melchior, Bitwa o Monte Cassino, Rome, Second Polish Corps, 1945­1947. 3 ~
Vols. (Lists of officers and some enlisted men who fought at this famous battle.)


Insurrection in Slask 1919­-1921


Encyklopedia Powstan Slaskich, Opole 1982. (Biographical sketches of members of insurrection in Slask, 1919­1921.)


World War I


Ksiega Chwaly Piechoty (Book of Glory of Infantry), Warszawa, 1937­1939.(List of infantry officers and enlisted men awarded Virtuti Militari and those killed.)


Ksiega Jazdy Polskiej (Book of Polish Cavalry),Warszawa, 1938. (Lists of cavalry and horse artillery officers and enlisted men killed as well as lists of cavalry and horse artillery officers and enlisted men awarded the Virtuti Militari.) (See also Regimental History section.)


(For Haller's Army check original sources in Polish Museum of America Library - Chicago)


Insurrection of 1863


H. Sutherland Edwards. The Private History of a Polish Insurrection from Official and Unofficial Sources, 2 vol., London, 1865.


Kieniewicz, Stefan, Powstanie Styczniowe, Warszawa, 1983. (Some names of officers and individuals who participated in the 1863 Insurrection are listed with some background information.)


Krol, Stefan, Cytadela Warszawska, Warszawa, 1978. (This book commemorates the 100th anniversary of this famous prison in Poland. Lists of prisoners are included by the year they were interned. Most of the emphasis is on the 1863 Insurrection prisoners and includes brief biographical sketches.)


Insurrections and Freedom Movements of 1848


Batowski, Henryk i Szklarska­Lohmannowa, Alina, Legion Mickiewicza, Wybor Zrodel, Wroclaw, 1958. (Source book regarding Legion in Italy 1848 which includes some names and sources for further research.)


Wysocki, Jozef, Pamietnik Jenerala Wysockiego, Dowodcy Legionu Polskiego na Wegrzech w Roku 1848­1849. Cracow, 1888. (This memoir lists all officers and enlisted men in the Polish Legion in Hungary in 1848. It also mentions which individuals converted to the Muslim religion.)


Latka, Jerzy, Adampol, Polska Wies Nad Bosforem, Krakow, 1981. This is an interesting study of a Polish settlement in Turkey after the Insurrections and contains some names as well as sources for further research,)


Insurrection of 1830


Hordynski, Joseph, Major 10th Regiment Lithuanian Lancers History of the Late Polish Revolution and the Events of the Campaign, Boston, 1833. (Interesting account of the 1830 Insurrection is given by a participant.)


Gembarzewski, Bronislaw, Woisko Polskie. Krolestwo Polskie 1815­1830. Warszawa, 1903. This is probably the best reference on the 1830 Insurrection and Congress Kingdom and includes lists of officers of the Polish Army from 1817­1830.)


Rzepecki, Karol, Pulk Czwarty, 1830­1831. Poznan, 1923. This regimental history of the 4th Infantry includes a list of officers and some enlisted men of the Duchy of Warsaw, Congress Kingdom and the Insurrection of 1830­1831.


Tarczynski, Marek, Generalicja Powstania Listopodowego. Warszawa, 1980 (lst), 1988 (2nd) edition. (Biographical sketches of all generals of the 1830 Insurrection are included as well some references to other officers and men.)


Dziennik Praw Nr. 58, Tom Szesnasty, Warszawa, 1834. (Interesting legal periodical contains a chapter on the decisions of the Warsaw Criminal Court concerning the Uprising of 1831 and lists officers sentenced to death as well as those sent to hard labor in Siberia.)


Congress Kingdom ­ Year 1829


Rocznik Woyskowy Krolestwa Polskiego Na Rok 1829, Warszawa 1829 (1829 army year book lists all officers by rank and regiment. It also includes awards given a particular individual.)


Napoleonic ­ General Overview


Von Pivka, Otto, Napoleon's Polish Troops. Reading, Berkshire, England, 1974. (This is a good basic brief general account of Polish troops in the service of Napoleon which is in English.)


Chandler, David, Dictionary of the Napoleonic Wars, New York, 1979.


Chelminski, J.V., Malibran, A., L'Armee du Duche de Varsovie, Paris, 1913.(Beautiful colored lithographs by Jan Chelminski illustrate this limited edition general work on the Duchy of Warsaw, Vistula Legion and Lancers of the Guard. The book contains some listing and reference to the officers.


Kirkor, Stanislaw, Polacy w Niewoli Angielskiej w Latach 1803­1814. Krakow, 1981. (New research provides lists of officers and enlisted men captured by the English during the Napoleonic wars. Brief biographical sketches are included as well as references to original sources in England and elsewhere.)


Martinien, Aristide. Tableaux Par Corps et Par Batailles des Officers Tues et Blesses Pendant Les Guerres de LíEmpire, 1805­1815, Paris. 1899. (This is a basic French reference which includes references to various Polish officers and enlisted men in the service of Napoleon.)


Dombrowski Legions in Italy Through the Vistula Legion


Chodzko, Leonard, Histoire Des Legions Polonaises en Italie, Paris, 1929. (Important first comprehensive study of the Polish Legions in Italy during the Napoleonic wars which contains many references to officers and enlisted men.)

Pachonski, Jan, Legiony Polskie. Prawda i Legenda, 1794­1807. Warszawa, I­1969, II­1976, III­ 1971, IV­ 1979. (The most scholarly comprehensive work ever done on the Polish Legions which includes biographical sketches of practically all officers including birthplaces, parents' names as well as service records.)

Pachonski, Jan; Wilson, Reuel, Poland's Caribbean Tragedy, A study of Polish Legions in the Haitian War of Independence, 1802­1803. New York, 1986. (A new work by the late author of Legiony Polskie which contains some listing of officers in the Santo Domingo campaign. This is the best study available in English on this campaign.)

Skalkowski, A.M., Polacy Na San Domingo, 1802­1809. Poznan, 1921. (One of the best early works on the San Domingo war which lists most officers and some enlisted men.)

Pachonski, Jan, Polacy Na Antylach i Morzu Karaibskim, Krakow, 1979. (Sketches of officers and some enlisted men which served in the various islands of the Caribbean during the Napoleonic wars.)

Kirkor, Stanislaw, Legia Nadwislanska, 1808­1814. Londyn, 1981. (The best history of the Vistula Legion contains biographical sketches of all officers and sometimes includes not only the fatherís name but the mothers maiden name also. It also lists the recipients of Virtuti Militari and the Legion of Honor.)


Duchy of Warsaw 1807-1814


Gembarzewski, Bronislaw, Wojsko Polskie. Ksiestwo Warszawskie 1807­1814. Warszawa, 1905 (lst), 1912, (2nd) edition. (The best reference on the Army of the Duchy of Warsaw contains a list of officers of the Duchy of Warsaw from 1809 to 1814 as well as a list of officers of the Lithuanian Regiments in 1812.)

Kirkor, Stanislaw, Pod Sztandarami Napoleona, Londyn, 1982. (Under the Standards of Napoleon has lists of officers of the 4th, 7th and 9th Regiments of infantry of the Duchy of Warsaw which was the Polish Division in the service of France and Napoleon in Spain. It also lists the officers and enlisted men of the Elba Squadron and contains other articles about Napoleonic Polish officers.)

Rzepecki, Karol, Pulk Cwarty, 1830­1831, Poznan, 1923. (See description in 1830 section (Insurrection of 1830).

Kozlowski, Historya lgo Potem 9go Pulku Wielkiego Ksiestwa Warszawskiego, Napisana Prez Kpt. Kozlowskiego, Poznan ­Krakow, 1887. (Captain Kozlowski presents a history of the 1st and later 9th regiment of the Duchy of Warsaw.)

Tvszkiewicz, Joseph, Histoire De 17ne Regiment De Cavalerie Polonaise ­ Lanciers Du Comte Michel Tyszkiewlcz, 1812-1815. Cracow, 1904. (Limited edition regimental hlstory of the 17th Lancers contains a complete listing of all officers and enlisted men of this so­called Lithuanian regiment.)


Light Horse (Lancers) of Napoleon's Imperial Guard, 1807­-1815


Lachougue, Henry; Brown, Ann, The Anatomy of Glory, Napoleon and His Guard, Providence, R.I., London, 1962, (2nd) ed. New York, 1978, (3rd) ed.

Rembowski, Aleksander, Zrodla do Historii Pulku Polskiego Lekkokonnego Gwardii Napoleona I, Wyd. A. Rembowski, Warszawa, 1899. (The best book on the Polish Light Horse of the Guard contains a complete list of all officers and enlisted men with reference to their service records.)

Kirkor, Stanislaw, Pod Sztandarami Napoleona, Londyn, 1982. (Contains a collection of articles relating to the Elba Squadron of the Light Horse Lancers containing a list of all officers and enlisted men as well as articles regarding individual members of the regiment.)


Partition Period


Eversley, C.J.S., The Partitions of Poland, New York, 1973

Bauer, Krzysztof, Wojsko Koronne Powstanie Kosciuszkowskiego, Warszawa, 1981. (Some listing of officers during the Partition period is covered in this basic reference.)


United States ­ Revolution and Civil War


Haiman, Mieczyslaw, Polish Past in America, 1608­1865. Chicago, 1974. (This unique work contains some names of soldiers in the American wars and presents a starting point for further research.)

Pula, James, For Liberty and Justice, Life and Times of Wladimir Krzyzanowski, Chicago, 1978. (A biography of General Krzyzanowski which provides basic information about Poles in the Civil War. Some names, Polish units and other source material is cited. Written by a member of the Polish Military History Society of America.)


Pre-Saxon ­ Seventeenth and Sixteenth Centuries


Brzezinski, Richard, Polish Armies, 1569­1696. 2 Vols., Osprey, London, 1987. (Though not containing very much information on individuals this is probably the best work available in the English language covering early Polish military history. Provides a good background and reference for further research.)


Regimental Histories Covering Several Periods of Military History


Szugajew, A.J., Saperzy W Sluzbie Polskie. Ksiega Pamiatkowa Londyn, 1985.
(Commemorative work lists famous sapeurs (engineers) throughout Polish history as well as those awarded Virtuti Militari. It also lists schools and courses and those who attended and completed such programs. Finally the book lists Polish Sapeurs and their residence throughout the world.)

Rzepecki, Karol, Pulk Czwarty, 1830­1831, Poznan, 1923. (Regimental History of the 4th Infantry Regiment which contains names of officers and some enlisted men of the Duchy of Warsaw and Congress Kingdom.)

Smolenski, Jozef; Zebrowski, Marian, Ksiega Dziejow 7 Pulku Ulanow Lubelskich Im. Generala Kazimier Sosnkowskiego Londyn, 1969. (Regimental history of the 7th Lancer Regiment from Napoleonic times to present which includes lists of those wounded and killed in the campaigns of 1918­1920 as well as the September 1939 Campaign, the Armia Krajowej and the Warsaw Uprising. Also included is a list of all recipients of the Virtuti Militari from 1918 through World War II as well as a list of all officers and enlisted men from 1918 through 1939.)

Krzeczunowicz, Kornel, Ulani Ksiecia Jozefa, Historia 8 Pulku Ulanow Ks. Josefa Poniatowskiego, 1784­1945. (Regimental history which shows the evolution from the 1st Regiment of Austrian ulans in 1784 to the 8th Regiment of Lancers in the Duchy of Warsaw, 1809­1813 through the Krakus Regiment 1812­1945. Lists of officers and enlisted men are provided as well as lists of wounded and those awarded the Virtuti Militari.)

Dzieje Pulku Ulanow Podolskich, 1809­1947, Londyn, 1982. (A regimental history of the 12th Lancers from Napoleonic times to 1947 which contains a list of officers in Napoleonic times, the November 1830 Insurrection as well as a list of officers and enlisted men from 1917 through 1945. Also listed are members of the regiment awarded the Virtuti Militari.)

50 Lecie 16 Pulku Ulanow Wielkopolskich Im. Gen. Dyw. Gustawa Orlicz­Dreszera, 29 XII 1918 ­ 29 XII 1968, Bydoszcz-Londyn, 1970. (This 50 year regimental history includes lists of officers and enlisted men as well as those killed wounded, and/or awarded the Virtuti Militari or other awards.)


Lineage References Showing Evolution of Regiments Over Time


Gembarzewski, Bronislaw. Rodowody Pulkow Polskich i Oddzialow Rownorzednych Od r. 1717 do r, 1831. Warszawa, 1925 / Londyn, 1948. (This essenilal reference lists all commanders of all Polish regiments including the place and date of origin of the regiment as well as all battles each regiment participated.)

Rodowody Artylerii Konnej Wojska Polskiego, Londyn, 1964. (Regimental lineage from 1773­1945 of Polish Horse Artillery which shows commanders, date and place of unit origin as well as battles and awards.)


Military Schools


Lisowski, Witold, Polskie Korpusy Kadetow, Warszawa, 1982. (Basic reference history of the origin of the Knights' School in Warsaw in the 18th century which contains some names and references for further research.)

Chocianowicz, Waclaw, Pulk., W 50 ­ Lecie Powstania Wyzszej Szkoly Wojennej w Warszawie, Londyn, 1969. (This relatively current history contains entensive lists of officers who attended the military school and includes many individual photographs as well as class photographs.)


Decorations, Awards, Titles


Loza, Stanislaw, Order Orla Bialego, Warszawa, 1939 / Reprint Warszawa, 1985. (This basic reference contains a comprehensive list of names and numbers of those awarded the Order of the White Eagle from 1705.)

Loza, Stanislaw. Legia Honorowa w Polse, 1803­1923. Zamosc, 1923 / Reprint Warszawa 1986. (Basic reference lists all Poles awarded the French Legion of Honor from 1803 through 1923. Many references to officers and enlisted men including numbers and titles awarded are also included.)

Kirkor, Stanislaw, Polscy Donatariusze Napoleona, London, 1974. (Interesting work lists awards, titles and even annual monetary awards given Polish officers and enlisted men by Napoleon I. Also included are many biographical sketches of the recipients as well as articles on individuals.)

Konarski, Simon. Armorial de la Noblesse Polanaise Titree. Paris, 1958. (This is a good basic French account of Poles awarded various titles.)

Reverend, La Vicomte A., Armorial du Premier Empire, Titres, Majorats et Armoiries, Concedes Par Napoleon Ier. Paris 1894­1897. (This is another basic French Account of Poles awarded various honors and titles by Napoleon I.)


Prisons ­ Prisoners


Kirkor, Stanislaw, Polacy w Niewoli Angielskiej w Latach 1803­1814. (Interesting account containing brief biographical sketches of officers and enlisted men captured by the English during the Napoleonic wars.)

Krol, Stefan, Cytadela Warszawska, Warszawa, 1978. (Account of one of the most infamous Polish prisons which lists prisoners by year interned and also contains brief biographical sketches of many. It is especially significant for research of the many prisoners held by the Russians here during the 1863 Insurrection.)


Religions ­ Secret Societies


Wysocki, Jozef, Pamietnik Jenerala Wysockiego Dowodcy Legionu Polskiego Na Wegrzech w Roku 1848­1849. Cracow, 1888. (Interesting memoir by General Wysocki which lists all officers and enlisted men in the Polish Legion in Hungary who converted to the Muslim religion.)

Wilkowzewski, Walenty, Rys Historyczno­Chronologiczny Towarzystwa Wolnego Mularstwa w Polsce. Londyn 1968. (Unique work which contains lists of members of the secret Mason lodges from 1729 through 1822. Many military officers are mentioned as well as famous individuals such as Hetman Oginski, Potocki's and Prince Czartoryski.)




Szenic, Stanislaw, Cmentarz Powazkowski, 1790­1850. Warszawa, 1979. (Alphabetical as well as chronological lists are provided of those buried at this famous cemetery in Warsaw. Also biographical sketches of some individuals are included which mention the names of both parents providing a basis for further research.)

Waldorff, Jerzy, Cmentarz Powazkowski w Warszawie, Warazawa, 1984. (A similar reference as above but containing lists of those buried by occupation and generally. It includes many officers and enlisted men buried and mentions background information.)

Nicieja, Stanislaw, Cmentarz, Lyczakowski We Lwowie w_Latach 1786­1986. Wroclaw, 1989. Unique source book containing biographical sketches, list of various individuals as well as a military section.)




Pachonski, Jan, General Jan Henryk Dabrowski, 1755­1818. Warszawa 1981, Wyd. I, 1987, Wyd. II. (Superb biography which won an award for its scholarship contains some names plus an extensive genealogical chart from the 1600's to the 1900's of the General's family.)

Nadzieja, Jadwiga, General Jozef Zajaczek, 1752­1826. Warszawa, 1975. (Excellent biography contains some names plus a comprehensive genealogical chart of the General's family from 1396 to the present,)


Archives, Museums, Collections, Other Sources


Lorentz, Stanislaw, Guide to Museums and Collections in Poland. Warsaw, 1974. (This is a basic guide which contains lists of Polish museums and collections world wide. It provides information of the type and extent of each collection as well as addresses and hours of the institutions.)

Bankowski, Piotr, Archiwum Stanislawa Augusta, Warszawa, 1958. (Source for further research which gives a list of the documents and manuscripts in the collections and archives of the last King of Poland. It has many military references especially to the Partition period.)

Chappet, Alain; Pigeard, Alain; Martin, Roger; Robe, Andre; Guide Napoleonien. Paris, 1981. (This guide provides a description of museums, monuments, sites and other valuable information relating to Napoleon I and the Napoleonic wars from 1795­1815 in France and foreign lands. Lists many references to Poland and Polish troops in the service of Napoleon and France.)

Humbert, Jean ­ Marcel; Eumarche, Lionel, Guide de Musees D' Hiistoire Militaire. 400 Musees en France. Paris, 1982. ( A comprehensive list of French military museums which contains references to individual holdings and main collections. Important study for those interested in researching Polish involvement in the military history of Napoleon or France. Addresses, phone numbers as well as names of curators are provided.)




Gazeta Narodow Y Obca, Warszawa, 1791
La Quotidienne, France, 1830.


Copyright © 1999 Richard Jasinski. All rights reserved.
